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K Sullivan Bowen Therapy

A Natural Way to Wellbeing

Bowen Therapist based in Brighton

Home: Welcome

What is Bowen Therapy?


Bowen Therapy is a holistic, light touch form of bodywork. There is no manipulation, adjustment or force used but instead treatment involves a sequence of gentle moves over muscle and soft tissue, interspersed with periods of rest.

The Bowen Technique is unique as it utilizes the body's own capacity to rebalance and heal itself and as such can be highly effective in treating people suffering from a vast range of conditions. 


Amongst others, symptoms which have reported to respond to the Bowen Technique include: 


Back Pain


Digestive Issues

Elbow Pain

Hamstring Problems

Hay Fever

Headache/ Migraine

Hormone Imbalance 

Jaw Problems

Neck Pain

Respiratory Conditions


Shoulder Restriction

Sleep Issues

Sports Injuries




Further information

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Kelly Sullivan

As a holistic practitioner, my passion lies in helping people to access their own innate abilities within their bodies to heal and gain greater wellbeing.

I first discovered Bowen after a friend recommended that my mum should see a Bowen Practitioner for her chronic back pain. After just 3 sessions her pain levels and mobility were so improved that I began to look into how I could train as a practitioner myself.  

To gain an understanding of body work and anatomy, initially I trained and qualified in Therapeutic Body Massage in 2008.  I then undertook my Bowen training with the College of Bowen Studies, and qualified as a practitioner in 2011.


Aside from a great many muscular skeletal conditions responding well to Bowen, I often notice how deeply stress, emotions and trauma are held in our bodies. I love that such a gentle touch therapy can be used as a tool in bringing the body and mind into balance, allowing clients to come into an active place of wellbeing and healing.


I moved to Brighton in 2021 and am now practising at Brighton and Hove Therapies .


Each session is 1 hour long and is charged at £60.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Booking in with me

If you're interested to know more about Bowen or potentially coming to see me for treatment I'd love to hear from you! Either email me at or call me on 07912494637 

Should you choose to work with me I will ask you to book in an initial 3 sessions between 5-7 days apart. This allows us to assess how you're responding to treatment and where to proceed from there.

What will happen in my first session?

Your initial treatment will begin with a comprehensive verbal consultation. Treatment will take place on a massage table however it will not be necessary for you to remove your clothing, just shoes, jewellery, belts etc. Once we've made you comfortable I will be making a series of very gentle rolling movements over specific muscles and soft tissue. Importantly there will be a series of gaps between moves where I will leave the room and allow your body to respond. These breaks between moves (and those between treatments) are a vital part of the therapy. The whole session will last an hour.

What does Bowen Therapy feel like?

Each treatment and individual's experience is unique. Some people feel sensations of warmth or tingling. Sometimes feelings of muscles relaxing, other times people may not initially register obvious sensations at all. However, often a greater sensation of relaxation is realised as the session progresses. Some people even drift off to sleep!

How should I prepare for my first treatment?

I would ask that you not have other forms of complimentary health therapy at least a week either side of each Bowen treatment. Partly this is to allow your body the space to respond to Bowen. It's also to your advantage that if you wish to try different kinds of therapy, you can observe how your body responds to each individually. 
For your treatment, if you would like to remain clothed then please bring loose clothing to wear. A thin cotton top and either jogging bottoms or shorts.

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Client Feedback

Kelly is a kind and attentive practitioner, she made me feel safe and in good hands. The session was very calming and enjoyable, I felt energised and in a good mood after. My headache and shoulder tension were both gone and a general sense of wellbeing lasted a few days.

Rossella Buono

I had a number of Bowen sessions from Kelly to address painful hips and stiff shoulders. The treatments significantly improved mobility and reduced pain in these joints. The treatments also had the unexpected effect of clearing sinuses, having me feel exceptionally relaxed and improving my sleep. I love Bowen and would highly recommend Kelly as a caring and professional practitioner.

Lindsey Coates

I have been seeing Kelly on and off for over 10 years now. I have ongoing spinal problems and needed a hip replacement. The treatments she has provided have greatly helped with the pain and I would recommend Bowen therapy!

Sue Mullis

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